The 2023 | 2024 | 2025 Forecast Event!

Illuminating Our Understanding of these Unprecedented Times

Bringing together Astrology, Wisdom Transmissions, Ecological Perspectives, Indigenous Prophecies, the Knowledge Written & Encoded in our Sacred Sites, and much more …
To provide you with an in-depth understanding about what will occur during the massively crucial years of 2023, 2024, 2025, and beyond.

With a special emphasis on what we can each do, and how to move forward with courage & resilience during catalyzing times.

LIVE Broadcast | November 10 to 14, 2022

We are living in a truly momentous time, which is vibrantly alive with the forces of both creation and destruction.

This time has been foretold in ancient & indigenous prophecies for millennia.


We stand at the turning of the Precession of the Equinoxes, the end of time in the Mayan calendar, the cosmic pivot point opposite the ancient Egyptian Zep Tepi, the era of rapid change as told in the South American Eagle & Condor prophecy, the great Kali Yuga, and more.

Astrologically, as Uranus and the North Node come together in Taurus throughout 2022, we are seeing the structures and solidity of our world break down. Things we thought we could always count on, are being turned on their head.

Take heart, for this is all happening to catalyze us into a rapid, upward-oriented, future-building evolutionary process.

Our world is presenting a completely new reality and new possibilities for us to follow as we move into the future.

How can we take the events of 2020 | 2021 | 2022, learn from them, and use them for the highest good — In order to open our eyes & our hearts even wider; find deep reservoirs of courage and resilience; and access these paradigm-shifting events to build the brighter, healthier, and more vibrant world that we have been longing for?

We can turn to astrology, indigenous wisdom, ancient prophecies, the knowledge written on the walls & encoded into the structure of our ancient sacred sites, oracular insights, and other profound spiritual & scientific avenues to reveal this critical information to us.

At The 2023 | 2024 | 2025 Forecast Event, our speakers from a wide variety of backgrounds, expertise, and modalities will share what they see coming for the next 3 years, and beyond.

They will provide insights & suggestions for how you can navigate the upcoming years —

Which include catalyzing changes & opportunities beyond belief —

With joy, passion, resilience, courage, fulfillment, and abundance.

You will be guided on how to optimally navigate the changes, and work WITH the forces at play in our world right now.

You will learn how to receive & benefit from this momentous time (rather than feeling knocked over by it!).

You will emerge from the 2023 | 2024 | 2025 Forecast Event with all of the tools & insights you need to work with the energetics and paradigm-shifting events of the years ahead, and be able to flow with the next-level changes that are coming our way.

The next 3 years will be a time of huge upleveling and positive evolution, both personally and collectively, for those who are dedicated to raising their consciousness and opening to the evolutionary impulse of the Cosmos.  

Don’t wait to find out after the fact!

Be prepared and strengthened by entering into this powerful space we’re creating together in The 2023 | 2024 | 2025 Forecast Event

Where together we can explore what is coming next, and learn how to best navigate the acceleration and continued life-changing experiences we’ll have on Earth in during these coming years, and beyond.


Let’s create the change we want to see in the world! 

As a deeper activation of the positive change we are creating together, 50% of the proceeds from this event will go directly to organizations which are are actively creating a more sustainable, just, and healthy future for our world. 

25% of the proceeds from The Forecast Event will be donated to TreeSisters. 

TreeSisters, founded by Clare Dubois, is a global women's movement spanning multiple countries, that has collectively funded the planting of over 20 million trees … and growing.

25% of the proceeds from The Forecast Event will be donated to The Pachamama Alliance.

With roots in the Amazon rainforest, The Pachamama Alliance equips people around the world with inspiration and training to regenerate the planet’s ecosystems, bring justice to their communities, and restore our relationships with the Earth, each other, and ourselves. The Pachamama Alliance, founded by Lynne and Bill Twist and John Perkins, has played a key role in keeping oil companies out of vast swaths of the Amazon rainforest and helping the local Amazonian indigenous people keep their ancestral lands clean & healthy.

Meet Our Extraordinary Speakers:

Jocelyn Star Feather

Visibility & Thought Leadership Coach for Visionary Entrepreneurs, Spiritual Alchemist, Astrologer, & Founder of Sacred Planet

How to Work With the Most Powerful, Positive, & Magnificent Astrological Transits of 2023, 2024, and 2025

Jocelyn is your Host & the Creator of the 2023 | 2024 | 2025 Forecast Event!


Speaker, Author, Philanthropy Consultant, and Founder & Global Curator of the HerStory Circle Movement

The New Era: Becoming a Digital Society


Founder & President of the Turning of the Ages Mystery School™ and Creator of the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm™

Six Converging Timelines at a Great Turning of the Ages


Maleda Gebremedhin

Healer, Feminine Mystic, Midwife of the Soul, & Founder of the Womb of Life School

Mother Earth’s Harmonic Song of Planetary Healing: Restore Yourself to Origin Life and Soul Love

Pam Montgomery

Herbalist, Author, International Teacher, & Earth Elder

Reclaiming Our Birthright as Co-Creative Partners with Nature


Astrologer & Creator of the Holes to Heavens Podcast

4th Turning, 3rd Wave, & The 2nd Coming



Earth-Loving Social Entrepreneur, Poet, & Inspirational Speaker

Letting Go To Become

Patricia Awyan Lehman

Symbologist, Speaker, Researcher, Explorer, & Intuitive Life Counsellor

The Great Awakening Begins with the Rising of the Winged Scarab Beetle

Dr. Marie Mbouni

Medical Doctor, Spiritual & Consciousness Coach & Mentor, and Best-Selling Author

A Channeled Message from the Rainforests of the World


Veronica Goodchild

Teacher & Guide Devoted to the Alchemical Task of Transformation & Waking Up

UFO Encounters, Crop Circle Mysteries, and the Recovery of Our Stellar Origins: An Emerging New World View

Dr. Tayria

Dream Analyst, Teacher, and Psychological & Spiritual Guide

Evidence of Things Not Seen


Verbal Channel, Spiritual Teacher, & Sound Healer

We Are Choosing Our Individual & Collective Timelines


Isis Indriya

Educator of Ritual, Divination, Egyptian Cosmology, & Hermeticism

Communing with the Oracle Within

Suzanne Gerber

Astrologer & Energy Healer

Your Astrology Chart as a “Vision Quest”

Dr. John Ryan

Professor of Medicine, Practitioner of Energy & Consciousness-Based Medicine, Author, and Founder of Unity Field Healing

Ascension & Future Days: Mystery, Magic, & Light


Taylor Shuler

Astrologer & Permaculture Designer

Natural Design for Thriving: Astrology & Permaculture

Katerina Satori

Transdimensional Seer, Wisdom Channel, & Mystical Mentor

Messages From Ascended Civilizations On How To Navigate What’s To Come

Aeolian Heart

Writer, Teacher, & Creator of Aeolian Heart Astrology

The Future is Now: 2023 & Beyond


Sanni Paakkonen

Seer, Frequency Facilitator, & Light Field Technician

The Revelation of Time, Frequency Embodiment, & Eternal Resources


Founder & Director of Rites of Passage Council

The Initiatory Passage of Descent & Awakening


Shakti Shiva Academy Teacher, BlissDance Instructor, Cuddle Party Practitioner, & Tantric Guide

Why Unity Consciousness is Currently at the Cutting Edge of Human Evolution


Sky Otter

Author, Shamanic Guide, & Spiritual Coach

Wildness is Our Birthright!

Simone Wright

Coach, Teacher, and Internationally-Respected Authority on Mysticism, Metaphysics, Intuition, & Evolutionary Creativity

Meta Physical Fitness: Building Spiritual Muscle for Your Emerging Future

Michael Parisi

Frequency Work Facilitator, Embodied Awakening Guide, & Modern-Day Mystic

The Purifying Presence of Truth & The Simple Solution to Optimize Our Future


Meet Your Host & Creator of The 2023 | 2024 | 2025 Forecast Event:

Jocelyn Star Feather

Jocelyn Star Feather is a Visibility & Thought Leadership Coach for Visionary Entrepreneurs, Spiritual Alchemist, Astrologer, & Founder of Sacred Planet. She shares shamanic and ancient wisdom to guide courageous seekers in co-creating a revolutionary new world in alignment with Mother Earth and the vast intelligence of the Cosmos.

After a successful 15-year corporate career working in finance for major multinational companies, Jocelyn was thrust into a deep spiritual awakening. It was that awakening that turned her life upside-down ... And from which she emerged with a powerful understanding of how to use her intuition and healing abilities ~ Aspects of herself that she’d never had access to before.

She dove deeply into earth-based & shamanic practices, and she has studied alongside elders and wisdomkeepers ever since. She has extensively studied ancient civilizations, especially cultures where the Goddess held a strong presence; and she has spent profound & life-changing time in the ancient temples and pyramids of Egypt.

Jocelyn has studied astrology since 2015 and has developed her own unique craft of astrological readings, called Alchemical Astrology. These readings highlight the potentials for transformation and initiation, both in the natal chart as well as in upcoming transits, and seek ways to work with challenge & shadow in the birth chart in order to transmute & transcend it. In this way, we facilitate the individual's highest personal growth and evolution.

Jocelyn blends alchemy, astrology, Hermeticism, ancient & indigenous wisdom, and a magical shamanic perspective to coach & guide visionary entrepreneurs, revolutionaries and change makers all around the world.

One of Jocelyn’s favorite ways to work with her clients is guiding them to create their very own global summits & conferences.

Now Is The Time. 

All our lives, we’ve felt that tremendous change was coming.

Now, it is finally here.

And we get to powerfully live the changes.

We get to tear down the old, everything that wasn’t true and wasn’t working.

We get to build the new world.  

The reality of our true nature is awakening within us. It is shifting and changing us.

Our lives are being uprooted. Our understanding of stability and structure and what is real & true vs. what is false & illusion, is being completely shaken.

What we used to think was stable and sturdy in our lives, is being obliterated, right before our eyes.

It is being completely disrupted, so that we can come back into right relationship.

So that we can enter back into reciprocity with life itself.  

So that we can re-claim the power that has always been within us.

In these coming years – 2023-2024-2025, and beyond – We are going to be opening up to entirely new realities, entirely new truths that we’ve never even imagined.

Entirely new power will be awakening within us.

Entirely new concepts of how we’re meant to live and relate to the rest of the Earth, to the rest of the Cosmos, will become available.

So let us attune our eyes and ears and hearts and all of our senses to what is truly possible.

Let us attune our awareness, our consciousness, to what we can create.

Let us tune in, with heart and soul, to what we can build next.

Let us attune to how we can build the new world in alignment with the truth in our hearts.

To how we can co-create it in alignment with Natural Order and Cosmic Law.

To how we can birth it in alignment with the original design for Life Itself. 

Let us envision a completely new future of health and vitality, and reciprocal connection with the Earth – A recognition of the sacredness of life – An honoring of the intelligence of all the other beings around us.  

Honoring the intelligence of our own inner knowing. Honoring our intuition and our dreams and our heart.

Honoring the intelligence of the synchronicities that guide us at every step.

Let us build a new future based on these.

Welcome to The 2023 | 2024 | 2025 Forecast Event, where together we are opening to BOLD new possibilities & all that is available to us, for the next 7 generations and beyond.